5 Ways to Promote Work-Life Balance

Stress, burnout and compassion fatigue are problematic for professionals in the field of healthcare and mental health. Balancing your professional and personal life can be challenging, but it is critical.

Do you sometimes feel that work takes precedence over everything else in your life? Maybe you missed your 2nd grader’s Halloween parade or your teen’s winning goal at their championship game. The hours you work, the weekends you are on call, or the projects you are assigned can impact stress levels in a major way.

Sometimes, our desire to succeed professionally, or our basic need to just pay the bills can push aside our own well-being (that includes physical and emotional health).

How do we move ourselves up to the top of our own to do list? Let’s work on ways to improve our approach to setting boundaries and review ways to create a harmonious work-life integration. Find out how!